
    NFT Guaranteed Management Project overcomes
    De-Fi's inflation and resolves Fx's problematic way

    FxS의 주요 기능

    • 통화 거래: 다양한 통화 쌍을 실시간으로 거래할 수 있는 기능
    • 실시간 환율 정보: 전 세계 환율 변동을 실시간으로 확인
    • 분석 도구 및 차트: 다양한 차트와 도구를 제공하여 시장 동향을 분석 및 예측
    • 자동 거래 시스템: 알고리즘 기반 자동화 거래 시스템으로 효율적으로 거래
    • 뉴스 및 분석 보고서: 최신 경제 뉴스, 분석 보고서로 시장 변동정보 제공


FxS(Foreign Exchange System)

The DMCK project fuses the blockchain and Fx markets to increase the asset value of De-Fi and issues NFTs in conjunction with physical products.


  • home page

    It is growing based on reliability with
    many members by operating its own homepage.

  • de - fi

    The DeFi service we are providing is
    a stable and efficient platform.

  • wallet

    We run our own e-wallet and
    help you manage your assets.

token info

Role of Token Name Total Issuance
Utility Diamond Castle 2,000,000,000
Blockchain Network Symbol/Ticker Token Supply Decimal
BEP - 20 DMCK 2,000,000,000 18


  1. 2024.2Q

    1. Issued DMCK Token
    2. Constructed and Developed DMCK Project Decentralized Wallet Service
    3. Introduced multi-chain systems and Issued of multi-chain tokens
    4. Listed on the Global Exchange
  2. 2024.3Q

    1. Established of a decentralized swap system for DMCK projects
    2. Constructed DMCK Project De-Fi System
    3. Introduced and Developed of NFT membership issuance system
    4. Established of DMCK Project Payment System
  3. 2024.4Q

    1. Affiliated Global Partner
    2. Launched NFT Minting Service and Established NFT Exchange System
    3. Launched NFT Membership Storage Technology Service
  4. 2025.1Q

    1. Opened NFT Exchange Beta Service
    2. Launched DMCK Project Decentralized Swap System
    3. Launched NFT Exchange Service
  5. 2025.2Q

    1. Building NFT Rewards System
  6. 2025.3Q